Lizzie Yoder

lizzie Yoder

Personal Information

  • Name : Lizzie Yoder
  • Job : Director of Quality & Analysis

About Me

Lizzie Yoder is a long-time member of the Visonex team, where she has been instrumental in analyzing the business needs of the clients, setting and maintaining high standards of quality, and delivering impactful solutions. She also collaborates on cross-functional teams on a variety of interoperability and interface projects to vendors such as CROWNWeb, EPIC, Cerner, Meditech, GE Centricity, Verity Health Solutions, and more. With over 16 years of experience in software development, business analysis, systems analysis, data analytics, and quality testing, she is committed to delivering effective business solutions through the development of products, services, and tools and the workflows and processes to support them. Lizzie believes that client engagement and feedback is the truly the best path to improvement.