Blog Post

16 Apr

Why is Data Important in Healthcare?

The use of data in healthcare is driven by several needs. For example, in the clinical setting, doctors use data to provide an overall view of the patient’s condition. This general view provides timely and actionable information used to identify and monitor patient conditions. Providers are then able to deliver the best treatment possible to slow or prevent further progression of any health issues. Data can also help doctors predict which patients may be at risk for other health issues. This improves the team’s approach toward health care and makes it possible to closely monitor and track medical treatments. In the operational setting, hospitals use data to improve workflows, drive efficiency, and reduce costs.

Why is Data Important in Healthcare?

Quantitative vs Qualitative Data

Quantitative data is statistical and is typically structured in nature. As a result, it is more rigid and defined. This data type is measured using numbers and values, making it a more suitable candidate for data analysis.

On the other hand, qualitative data is descriptive, non-statistical, uses words, video, or other means to describe properties, attributes, or labels.

In healthcare, doctors tend to use quantitative data more frequently in analysis. Furthermore, there are various ways doctors use analytics in a healthcare setting.

Descriptive Data

This type of data provides information or a summary of information for review. For example, it may describe lab results, blood pressure readings, or existing conditions for a set of patients. After using data collection tools, doctors can then use the data to create “predictive data” for “risk stratification”.

Predictive Data in Healthcare

This risk stratification identifies patients that are “at-risk” for certain conditions. For example, patients with diabetes and high blood pressure (identified based on descriptive data), are “at-risk” for developing chronic kidney disease (CKD). Once doctors are able to identify patients at risk, it is much easier to develop a plan of action, or a care pathway (otherwise known as prescriptive data).

Prescriptive Data Analytics

Having actionable patient data helps clinicians intervene medically to improve the patient’s outcomes. Careful monitoring can provide information on how well the treatment is working. Therefore, leading to an improvement in the patient’s health, and a reduction in cost to the healthcare system.

Successful results in health care systems rely heavily on having the right data when you need it, and where you need it. Visonex’s capability to aggregate and organize data, along with its AI/decision support tools, provides an actionable approach toward improved patient outcomes. Visonex is able to assist in the management of CKD or other chronic conditions, while also streamlining workflows and reducing costs.


Visonex is committed to the advancement of the integrated model of care in this value-based healthcare environment and can help your organization successfully manage chronic health conditions such as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Visonex’s proprietary Analytics Data Warehouse (ADW), interoperability with multiple data sources, and chronic care electronic health records EHR platform with AI/decision support tools provide a meaningful, data-driven approach to improved patient health while assisting in driving efficiencies and reducing costs. To learn more about how your current data could be used to lower risk for your patient population, reach out to [email protected]. Sign up here to receive industry updates. Maximize patient outcomes, improve regulatory compliance, streamline workflows, and incorporate multiple sources into a single landing point for chronic disease management.  Now that is providing “Clarity” to a cloudy situation!

For more information call us at 1-877-285-7944, visit our website at or email us at [email protected]

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